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 The price is per kit.


-1 pre-sketched canvas, size 11x14” (slightly punctured and/or stray lines)

-2 paint brushes

- 1 paint pot with primary colors only

- a napkin

- a paper plate to use as a palette to mix colors



What you will need:- a cup of water to rinse brushes- a table cover to protect your painting surface- snacks- beverages- music ! Each set will be individually wrapped in a clear giftbag for you to hand to each painter. 


Please note you are purchasing a discounted kit. The kit may not include all items that a full priced kit includes. Canvas may also be slightly damaged with a puncture. There may also be stray lines or smudged outlines. 


  • All sales are final. There are no refunds. 


    You are buying a discounted kit that we are unable to resale. 

  • Domestic Shipping: Priority USPS $7.95

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